Red panda dragons are a species of dragons with red panda qualities to them.RPDs are a species by Yorialu and are available by design commissions or adoptables posted to social media.
(see social media buttons below)

General Body shape

All RPDs have a bulky frame, they aren't slim, lanky or petite. On the flip side; they aren't gigantic, incredibly heavy or muscular, and most importantly; they do not have scales on their body, they're all fluff.

head shapes

RPDs have roundish heads and fluffy cheeks that make their head shape wider like a red panda!

Plate placement

Plates vary in shape, amount, and placement on the body of the RPD. Plates can form on the; snout, head, spine, forearms, hind legs, fingers, eye brows and horns!Plates are never located on the underbelly, inside or underside of their legs, tails, cheeks, jaws, side of the body, or along the front of the neck.


Snout shape tends to vary; some are round, others possess a more pointed beak, and some more mammalian, but all are soft, not stiff. Some RPDs have bumps on their snouts shaped like a spike, but is rounded and not sharp, one or two spikes is uncommon to see, but still a possibility.


Horns can be just about any shape; antlers, ram horns, unicorn, stubs, curved up, etc. Most commonly the horns are exposed bone and curve behind the ears, they can be placed on the top of the head/on the forehead as well. It's uncommon to see the horns match the fur, but is a possibility.


Ears vary in size and shape as well, but are almost always "petal" shaped to a degree, ears can be long or short and most RDPs have short or long tufts to accompany the bottom lobe of the ear.


RPDs most commonly have forked tongues, sometimes seen with rounded tongues.Their upper canines vary in length and can be seen overlapping the outside of the lips, and are rounded, their bottom canines NEVER overlap the outside of the lips. Their front rows of teeth are rounded, not sharp, while the back rows of teeth are molars, best suited for munching on bamboo!Lips! All RPDs have black lower lips, which isn't always visible but is most prominent in the front of the snout.


Their tails can be short enough that they barely touch the ground, while others are so long they have to drag on the ground! The only limitation is that they are no longer than their body length. They're always poofy!

Paws & Legs

RPD paws are big and possess 3-4 toes always with an accompanying thumb. The palms and underside of their paws have toe beans and rough skin that ends at the wrist or ankle. Additionally, their claws can be slim, thick, long or short, and are always rounded, never sharp.

One thing that is common between every RPD is their thicker forearms. Hind legs are structurally the same between RPDs as well. RPDs can even stand on their hind legs on their entire foot (toes to heel), but when walking as a bipedal, they will use the ball of their foot.


RPDs are on average 8-10 feet tall, and can be no taller than 15 feet and no shorter than 5 feet, these extremes are uncommon to see.The overall size of the RPD depends on their hereditary genes and diet; rpds with larger parents inherently will be the same size with a balanced diet. However, a diet strictly of meat causes them to grow bigger, and a strict diet of bamboo or other vegetation results in a smaller RPD.


RPDs are Omnivores, meaning that they eat a balanced diet of meat, veggies, fruit and, of course, bamboo.Their favorite foods include apples, bamboo and red meat specifically, but they can eat vegetables, other fruits, fish, etc. as well.

Body Colors/Markings

There are no limitations to their fur color. The only main rule is that they have some kind of masking on their face and stripes on their tail.

Horn & Claw Colors

Horn color is any natural shade of color, so; white, grey and black on the spectrum as well as beige, brown, tan, etc.Given the RPD has horns lightly covered with short fur is the only exception to horns with more color beyond natural shades and hues.Claws have no exceptions to the natural shade and hues rule.

Under Paw colors

There are no limitations to the color on RPD's "paw pads". The color matches the inside of their mouthes, innards, etc. and is very uncommon if they don't.

Eye Colors

Eye color has no limitation.RPDs commonly lack sclera in their eyes, but is not uncommon for them to have both sclera (eye whites) and an iris. White pupils are uncommon but not rare.

Fire Color

Fire color is always tied to the RPD's eye color, uncommonly the fire color can blend from the eye color to another hue.